Dilemmad, deliirium ja 77 LATi.

"Nii, kes teab mis on asimuut?"

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Muistsete asteekide teguviisid on aegunud

Laupäev tõestas ilmekalt, et Ronald on ekslik. Peale selle on ta ka liiga ülbe ja enesekindel. Atonement repentance and perfection are to be sought.

Huvitavat lugemist: Martin Lutheri ja Thomas More'i vaheline kirjavahetus kahekümnendatel. Jutt käib Henry VIII-ndast, kellele kirjad Lutherilt on adresseeritud.

[The king] would have to be forgiven if humanly he erred. Now, since he knowingly and conscientiously fabricates lies against the majesty of my king in heaven [Christ], this damnable rottenness and worm, I will have the right, on behalf of my king, to bespatter his English majesty with muck and shit and to trample underfoot that crown of his which blasphemes against Christ.

More vastab:

In your sense of fairness, honest reader, you will forgive me that the utterly filthy words of this scoundrel have forced me to answer such things, for which I should have begged your leave. Now I consider truer than truth that saying: ‘He who touches pitch will be wholly defiled by it’ (Sirach 13:1). For I am ashamed even of this necessity, that while I clean out the fellow's shit-filled mouth I see my own fingers covered with shit.

But who can endure such a scoundrel who shows himself possessed by a thousand vices and tormented by a legion of demons, and yet stupidly boasts thus: ‘The holy fathers have all erred. The whole church has often erred. My teaching cannot err, because I am most certain that my teaching is not my own but Christ’s,’ alluding of course to those words of Christ, ‘My words are not my own but His who sent me, the Father’s’ (John 12:49)?

Selles vaatenurgas on neegerräpparite repertuaar ju hoopis leebem, elik ei saa suunata noorsugu ka ajaloo juurde modernsest kultuurist, sest kõikjal leiame korrumpeerivat materjali. Minu arvamus Lutherist langeb muide järjest, eriti pärast tema juudivastaste kirjadega tutvumist.
Tagasi raamatut lugema. Ma tahan kah kevadet juba, seda lund, mis kattis on nüüd piisvalt olnud.

PS. Osad mormooni teadlsed arvavad, et Quetzalcoatl (10. sajandi valitseja, mite segi ajada Tolteekide ühe peajumalaga) oli tegelikult Jeesuse teine tulemine, sms et habemega mees, kes tuli merelt ja õpetas rahvale tolerantsi, lahkus legendi järgi uuesti merele ja lubas kunagi naasta (legend, mida omakorda konkistadoorid kasutasid röövimise ja genotsiidi sooritamiseks ära). Fascinating, isn't it?


At 8:10 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Äärmiselt keeruline. Hea, et püksidjalastolekus muutub inimene lihtsaks, labaseks ning arusaadavaks.
Google on kõikvõimas!

At 12:51 pm , Blogger Ronald said...

Julged väited :-)
Ja ise kirjutab vene keeles, google'ile allumatus keskkonnas. Tsk tsk.

At 7:41 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Labasus on seksikas. Labasus on new black! Pitsiga sukad, kõrged kontsad, suurepärase vaatega numbrituba, valged voodilinad - labane eksole!?


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