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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Väike test

Suht vana asi tegelt:

Put your media player on the shuffle mode and answer the following questions with the exact order of song names that come up no matter how weird they might sound in the context.

Nojah igatahes mina sain sellise nimekirja:

1. How am I feeling today?
natural calamity- and that`s saying a lot

2. Will I get far in life?
dagö- pulmad

3. Where will I get married?
queen- need your loving tonight

4. What is my best friend’s Theme Song?
elastica- car song

5. What is the Story of My Life?
foo fighters- my hero

6. What was Highschool like?
vanilla sky- umbrella

7. How can I get ahead in life?
front242- speed angels

8. What is the best thing about me?
angelic process- burning in the undertow of god

9. What is today going to be like?
ohGr- chaos (live in seattle)

10. What is in store for this week?
sharky doyles- boys of the old brigade

11. What song describes my parents?
30 seconds to mars- from yesterday

12. To describe my Grandparents?
frontline assembly- prophecy

13. How is life going?
vennad urbid- autoportree

14. What song will they play at my Funeral?
sõpruse puiestee- armu needus

15. How does the world see me?
4 strings- mainline

16. Will I have a happy life?
blur- beetlebum

17. What do my friends really think of me?
singer vinger- igaühes midagi on

18. Do people secretly lust after me?
queen- vultan`s theme

19. How can I make myself happy?
mortiis- scar trek/parasite god

20. What should I do with my life?
café del mar- pina colada (jazz mix)

21. Will I have children?
queen- my melancholy blues

22. What is some good advice for me?
queen- rock it

23. How will I be remembered?
placebo- lady of the flowers

24. What is my signature dance song?
moby- porcelain

25. What is my current theme song?
:wumpscut:- ceremony (remastered)

26. What does everyone else think of my current theme song is?
amon amarth- abandoned

27. What type of men/women do you like?
HIM- razorblade kiss

Mind ootab helge tulevik...


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